Ashley Ames Washburn, Atlanta Actor and Photographer.
I majored in art at Bethel University, then transferred to MCTC to major in photography. I went to each college for a year and a half (my magic number apparently) before deciding I had learned what I wanted and droppin on out to go forge my own path!
I became a full-time professional photographer in Minnesota from 2013-2015 and was shooting everything from weddings to senior photos to events. My husband and I then moved to Atlanta, GA in 2015. This is where things changed. I continued to shoot weddings in Minnesota (and a couple here in GA), but simultaneously I had found a new passion in acting.
In 2016 I began pursuing my acting career relentlessly and my photography got pushed to the side. I just didn’t have the same passion for it anymore. After shooting my 21st wedding last year (2019), I made the decision to stop taking on new wedding clients.
Aside from the exceptions I choose to make,
I will only be shooting actor headshots professionally.
I’m grateful for the hundreds of shoots I’ve had the pleasure to do, for the people who have supported me over the years, the clients I’ve grown close to. I loved every minute of it and I’m EXTREMELY proud of the body of work I’ve accumulated through the years. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
Now, if you'd like some headshots - hit me up!